The phenomenon of unemployment in Colombia has led to rigorous analysis during the last decade when trying to explain its causes. Interesting hypotheses have been constructed concerning the topic, covering a wide spectrum of theoretical and empirical positions, and even though the regional works has been more restricted and have had less diffusion in the academic community. Such work has led to the observation of other elements, thereby enriching the analysis. The present research rpresents a descriptive approach to the problem of industrial unemployment in Manizales (Caldas), based on two researches (Serrano, et al 2007 y Serrano & Dussán 2007), that deal once again with the relationship between unemployment and industrial development for the 1990s. The analysis is centred on the added variables of employment of the National Survey of Homes and of the industrial production from the Annual Manufacture Survey of the DANE institution. The main hypothesis proposes that the absence of a sustainable industrial development of Manizales was one of the causes of the city’s high rates of unemployment in the Manizales metropolitan area for the 1985-2001 period.
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