DOI: 10.17151/rasv.2023.25.2.8
How to Cite
Camacho Mariño, N. (2023). “This is not a place to raise children”: growing up and damaged in a poor neighborhood of Manizales, Colombia. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 25(2), 187–208.


Nataly Camacho Mariño
Université de La Rochelle
Perfil Google Scholar


This paper questions the experiences of everyday violence, and the vulnerabilities these entail in a poor neighborhood in Manizales, Colombia. Based on the description of ethnographic situations and emphasizing the experiences of children and young people, the place that physical and social space the neighborhood occupies for them and their families in the reproduction of violence is analyzed. What does it mean growing up or raising children in a space that “damages”, that destroys? What other possible lives can be imagined in the face of the destructive effect of the experiences of violence? These are some of the questions the researcher seeks to reflect on.

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