How to Cite
Román Maldonado, C. E. (2015). The contemporary social time from an accelerated perspective. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 17(2), 121–134. Retrieved from


Carlos Eduardo Román Maldonado
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana


Objective. To identify the possible implications of time acceleration of the contemporary capitalist society in the individuals’ social life worlds. Methodology. the phenomenological approach, where contemporary social time became the category of analysis and interpretation, was implemented. Results. The social dominant time acceleration is the result of the world of life colonization by the productive expansive logics of the capitalist system with great effects on how individuals and communities structure their life projects and plans. Conclusion. It is concluded that individuals’ way of life is changing according to the institutional requirements of the capitalist system, which makes social life faster making quantitative, measurable, and linear time hegemonic depending on the idea of progress against the idea of the world of life that involves other temporality and goes at another pace.

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