DOI: 10.17151/rasv.2017.19.2.7
How to Cite
Villegas Arenas, G., & Villegas Alzate, J. G. (2017). From city to metropolitan region. Conceptual and critical references to interpret the change. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 19(2), 115–137.


Guillermo Villegas Arenas
Universidad de Caldas
Juan Guillermo Villegas Alzate
Investigador y diseñador independiente


The fluidity of capital in today’s globalization has not been unnoticed. While it intervenes in the spatial configuration of the territory and in the management of the institutions of public power, it is making the metropolitan regions resemble between them, due to the omnipresence of certain “constitutive tendencies.” De Mattos (2006) provides five trends that qualify the city as a polycentric, informal / unequal, business oriented, made for the automobile and artifact city. Three additional trends are proposed from this article with the descriptions: city without memory, wasted city and orchestrated city. As a great conclusion, it is argued that the framework of the globalized economy favors the “deterritorialization” of power. At the local level, it is exercised with laxity towards figures of transnational power and agrees to participate as a partner of large capital interested in maximizing surplus values.

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