DOI: 10.17151/rasv.2018.20.1.9
How to Cite
Santofimio Ortiz , R. (2018). The thinking of Antonio Gramsci in Latin America and Colombia. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 20(1), 177–196.


Rodrigo Santofimio Ortiz
Universidad de Caldas
Perfil Google Scholar


This essay shows that the thinking of Antonio Gramsci replicated in several countries of Latin America as a source of understanding of the new socio-political realities that the countries lived. In the Colombian case, although the presence of gramscianism is relatively comparable to the Argentine appropriation, this “presence” is inserted primarily in cultural requirements, but Gramsci was also resumed with pretensions for political praxis in a highly tense socio-political environment of the armed struggle and the virulence of social movements. This paper then, seeks a critical understanding of the process of appropriation of the “systems of ideas”, which is not only explained by the diffusion of the works, but also has to do with their appropriation in terms of scenarios as well as the obstacles and means used. Finally, the methodology has to do with a hermeneutic posture and consultation and critical review of primary and secondary sources.

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