DOI: 10.17151/rasv.2019.21.2.5
How to Cite
Moreno Ospina, J. (2019). Industrial Heritage in Tunja. Development memories. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 21(2), 81–101.


Jairo Moreno Ospina
Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
Perfil Google Scholar


The article offers experiences and life lessons of Tunja in relation to industrial traces (some of them intangible or already disappeared) but especially with those of the northern sector of the city, which, since the middle of the last century became an industrial nucleus that strongly influenced the development of the city. Five companies formed this area that, at the time, being away from the historical center of the city, ceased functioning at the end of the 20th century. Each one of them, even with particular architectural traces linked to their function, and that in the present have changed their use, are in ruins or have simply disappeared. Tours, conversations and observations are made to detect how the spirit of work survives in other ways in this territory. Finally, it is possible to reflect on how this type of tours, from a heritage perspective, acts as a provocative agent for artistic experiences, strengthening in this sense.

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