DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2023.20.27.13
How to Cite
Machado Penso, M. V., & Castro Marcucci, A. (2023). Recovering meaning: building to care and dwell. Kepes, 20(27), 353–390.


María Verónica Machado Penso
Universidad de la Costa
Perfil Google Scholar


The excess of care to provide safe and healthy housing led to the loss of the sense of dwelling, understood as the building that cares for the species on earth and their relationships in the biosphere. To inquire into the ways of recovering the meaning of inhabiting, this article proposes a critical analysis of the meaning to explore the sense of dwelling and caring based on the questioning of today's ways of life from Heidegger's lecture "Building, dwelling, thinking" crossed by the idea of “The Common World” by Marina Garcés and the sense of “Metamorphosis” in Emanuele Coccia. For this reason, a review on the processes of massive post-war housing construction has been carried out as well as an analysis of Heidegger's lecture from the point of view of care, and the exploration of four Latin-American architectural practices that deal with their construction from the recognition of their realities. As a result, it was found that these four practices manage ways of projecting and building architecture committed to the reformulation of institutional practice, welcoming the plurality of knowledge and of the know-how to recover the sense of dwelling from popular communities. An architecture that, from the recognition of the other and the place, builds care in continuity with others and earth ecosystems.

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