How to Cite
Grisales Vargas, A. L. (2010). Again, Art as Tejne. Kepes, 7(6), 195–210. Retrieved from


Adolfo León Grisales Vargas
Universidad de Caldas



What I intend to demonstrate is that the parenthesis that Eastern culture has called Art History which goes from Renaissance to conceptual art, is characterized by an attempt to propose or think of a type of creation or human production completely broken off and opposed to the technical production, something qualitatively different to it. Symbolically, the foundational act of this story is Michael Angelo’s decision of abandoning the craftsman master home to understand himself as much more than a craftsman, and the climax of such story is the conceptual art in which the artist sets himself definitively free from any relationship with the technique. The “after” of this story in whose still confusing beginnings we are today, would be the tranquil environment of art in the widest field of technique. Summing up, what I adduce is that, since art cannot continue to be withdrawn from the field of technique this makes it possible to think of art today as tejne.

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