How to Cite
Durán, M. (2007). The vision machine as an intelligent machine in cinema. Kepes, 4(3), 87–124. Retrieved from


Mauricio Durán
Universidad Javeriana


Cinema, in the imaginaries of the fiction of its films, where it has recreated its own technological future, as well as in the reflections of many authors like Dziga Vertov or Jean Epstein, has seen in its mechanical-and today, electronic and digital complex, the possibility of constituting itself as a thought machine. This idea is confronted to the image of man as a machine, from philosophical and scientific concepts up to cultural criticism of modern civilization as a mechanizing instrument of human beings. But the same cultural industries, of show business and entertainment, that have greatly contributed to the mechanization and automatization of the men and women of modern societies.

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EPSTEIN, Jean. La inteligencia de una máquina. Ediciones Nueva visión, 1960, Buenos Aires.

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