How to Cite
Castañeda Marulanda, W. (2007). Messages in atmospheres and the objects in the regional context. (Caldas previous to 1934). Kepes, 4(3), 7–29. Retrieved from


Walter Castañeda Marulanda
Universidad de Caldas.


As the skin of objects and spaces, the forms with ornamental intentions are united, in order to become communicative elements, that not only establish an aesthetic style, but that also contain messages regarding the ideals, moral, religiosity, aesthetics, among others. Based on this, the time covered by the research is considered: Incidence of Design in the Regional Context (Caldas), Environment, Objects, Messages previous to 1934, projected a world image that is verified by the visual information contributed by its creations. The ornaments and printed forms are constituted as the basis for the decoding of the messages inscribed in them.

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