How to Cite
Gómez, D. ., & Sánchez , D. . (2010). Graphic interfaces for digital audio synthesis. Kepes, 7(6), 137–151. Retrieved from


Daniel . Gómez
Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
David Sánchez



This article puts forward a discussion around audio digital synthesizers, particularly analyzing de development of their interfaces and the interaction these instruments offer to the interpreter. A comparative scheme between a synthesizer and a traditional musical instrument will be used to analyze different aspects of its functioning, related with the physical properties and the different cognitive processes involved in the learning to use them both. This exercise will evidence a series of special characteristics that condition the use of synthesizers which are related to their shape, the type of learning presented and the physical response to the interaction. Additionally to the comparative exercise, the synthesizer is analyzed under the light of the growing info graphics practice. This presentation reveals practical possibilities for the design of graphic interfaces for digital synthesizers. This view is approached with a diversity of digital interfaces design strategies which, given the characteristics to be intervened, use conceptual, graphic, mathematics, and statistics tools. As a result, prototypes of interfaces have come up which, from their possibilities of interaction, visual feedback and way to group elements, suppose new control and cognition possibilities of the audio digital synthesis.

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