DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2019.16.19.5
How to Cite
Millán-Millán, P. M. . (2019). A scale model in one hand: towards the search for the essential. Kepes, 16(19), 95–121.


Pablo Manuel Millán-Millán
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Perfil Google Scholar


Contemporaneity must begin to eliminate the superfluous. Working the scale model is an exercise that forces the architect to synthesize and seek the essence of the project. Containing an idea in one hand implicitly involves a triple effort: the search for synthesis, the search for matter, and the search for reason. This exercise will develop three encounters: the encounter with the essential of an idea; the encounter with a physical support that builds it; and the encounter with an organizing logic. These three encounters will have their confluence in the architecture scale model. This resource has been a continuous reference, not only of the architects, but also of the artisans.

This article is based on the theoretical reflection that involves looking at architecture as the manual exercise of the artisan. The direct relationship between the hand and the scale model, as well as its production will be the identifying characteristics of a typical architecture. The relationship of these elements will evidence the need for a deep theoretical reflection on the contemporary tools of the architect. Fleeing from great eccentricities and complex discourses away from society, the article will analyze some discourses and architectures always bearing in mind how they show that a good idea and a good scale model always fit in one hand.

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