DOI: 10.17151/eleu.2019.21.4
How to Cite
González Pérez, J. A. (2019). Suicide as political resistence : the world of the entrepreneur of the self. Eleuthera, 21, 51–65.


Jaime Andrés González Pérez

Docente Universidad de Manizales. Manizales-Colombia.

Universidad de Manizales


Objective. To expose suicide as an act of political resistance within the dynamics of the neoliberal system of the entrepreneur of the self. Methodology. Through the parallax vision method proposed by Žižek, an ontological displacement of suicide was generated, understanding it as an act of political resistance that arises with neoliberal practices of the entrepreneur of the self. Results. The article is divided into three sections as follows: first explanation of the parallax vision method; second, a brief recapitulation of the main existing notions about suicide; third, the parallax vision of suicide as an act of resistance characteristic of the society of the entrepreneur of the self and cognitive neoloberalism. Conclusions. Suicide is an act of political resistance in the society of the entrepreneur of the self insofar as it consists of an act of freedom and highlights the psycho-political device of the entrepreneur of the self.

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