How to Cite
González Ruiz, G., Silvera Arredondo, C., & Vásquez Rengifo, J. F. (2013). AZF region microdeletion of chromosome Y and infertility. Biosalud, 12(2), 9–23. Retrieved from


Gisela González Ruiz
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Santa Marta
Carlos Silvera Arredondo
Universidad del norte de Barranquilla
Jesús Fernando Vásquez Rengifo
Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla


Objective: Study carried out between the years 2009 and 2010 in the cities of Barranquilla and Sincelejo that has as main objective to determine the microdeletions in the DAZ region of the Y chromosome in infertile men. Materials and Methods: study was developed with a sample of 33 men, selected in specialized consultation, previous confirmation of infertility through spermograms studies. Seventeen STSs were analyzed from different azoospermia regions in addition to the SRY, the DS271 and the Kaly gene. DNA extraction from peripheral blood through Bio-mol protocol, PCR multiplex master mix of Promega and electrophoresis in agarose gel 4% was performed for data analysis and the images were visualized through photo-documenter. Results: Findings showed 3.03% microdeletions in Y chromosome in STSs: SY242 (DAZ) SY208 (DAZ), SY254 (DAZ), SY255 (DAZ) and SY157 (DYS240), compromising the whole AZFc region in the STSs studied. Conclusions: was determined microdeletion of AZFc region of Y chromosome in a proportion of 3.03%, with evident absence in the genes of the internal control, the bands studied for the set of the master indicators D and E are presented, confirming reproducibility of the product obtained through PCR. Patients with presence of locus SRY, secretory azoospermia, left varicocele, normal sexual organs, testicular biopsy with absence 80% of germ cells and 20% without maturation. The proportion of cases located in the range found in various studies globally.

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