DOI: 10.17151/biosa.2015.14.1.2
How to Cite
Carmona-Fonseca, J. ., & Correa-Botero, A. . (2015). Effect of periodic albendazole and vitamin a treatment on intestinal helminths and anemia in children from Urabá (Antioquia, Colombia). Biosalud, 14(1), 9–25.


Jaime Carmona-Fonseca
Universidad de Antioquia
Adriana Correa-Botero
Universidad de Antioquia


Problem:, There are no reports about the effect of periodic anthelminthic-vitamin A treatment in humans In Colombia. Objective: To evaluate effects of albendazole/ pamoate pyrantel-vitamin A administered quarterly on Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Necator americanus, and on serum retinol and hemoglobin levels in children from Urabá (Antioquia, Colombia). Methodology: Clinical, randomized, controlled trial with parallel groups intervened and evaluated each 3-4 months for 4 times, followed 12 months. Intervention: administration of pyrantel pamoate (pamoate) (< 2 years) or albendazole (≥ 2 years), with or without oral vitamin A. Results: Entry: 25% presented chronic malnutrition and hemoglobin, 10.6 g/L (< 2 years) and 11.5 g/L (≥ 2 years). A) Prevalence: strongyloides 7%, uncinaria 29%, ascaris 45%, whipworms 45%. Post-treatment changes: pamoate only caused reduction of ascaris and, in general, increased whipworms and uncinarias. Albendazole: reduced the prevalence of each helminth, as treatments without this medication did, but it was higher in treatments with albendazole.. B) Change in parasite load: only significant differences were for whipworms with pamoate-vitamin and albendazole-vitamin, because of increase, and ascaris with albendazole-vitamin, because of reduction. No significant difference between entry and leave in hemoglobin or retinol levels in any of the four treatment groups. Conclusions: Overall, there was no effect of albendazole on helminth communities, but there was moderate effect on prevalence of uncinaria, ascaris and whipworms. Possibly deworming only part of the population < 15 years without treating the rest of cohabitants, and the maintenance of very poor living conditions can explain these results.

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