The dead positivity and the emergence of public space have been two necessary moments in the emergence of consciousness about freedom. In Hegel’s work, the dead positivity has a poor appearance, but it holds entire meaning and force as any other of his concepts. Hegel characterizes dead positivity in religion, as a way of “suppression of moral autonomy of the subject”. In relation to contemporary thought, this dead positivity can be interpreted as the internal-external relationship, present in thinkers such as Rene Girard –at this point, we should talk about a certain degree of immanence between these two conceptions–. The relationship between the internal-external element in Girard refers to the sacred, as a modeler of primitive societies; this is projected to our contemporary societies through the phenomenon of violence. Mainly, the search for a conscience of individual freedom has to lead us to think about a transformation of the religious sacred into an ethics, as a modeling principle of a new social, political, economic and cultural order coherent with the achievement of freedom.
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