How to Cite
D’acunto, A. . (2012). People people’s power and liberation theology in the 70s. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 14(2), 55–78. Retrieved from


Agustín D’acunto
Universidad de Buenos Aires


This article pretends to determine, given the critical nature of the capitalist system of Liberation Theology  and understood by itself, a body of writings produced since 1970 by Latin American theologians like Gustavo  Gutierrez, among others; the relationship between such theology in the last century’s 70s and the three  conceptions of people’s power which, according to Miguel Mazzeo have emerged from emancipating  experiences and willpowers with the objective of overcoming capitalism: people’s power as a means of  seizing state power, people’s power as a neverending, and people’s power as and a end at the same time.  For this purpose, we analyzed a set of writings from theologians of liberation of the last century’s 70s and  concluded that Liberation Theology has an affinity with the latter two conceptions because it categorically  rejects the first one.

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