How to Cite
Cárdenas Motta, H. (2003). -. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 5, 32–44. Retrieved from


Humberto Cárdenas Motta
Investigador independiente


This article analyzes fragments of the institutional speeches transmitted by the Colombian State functionaries through radial mass media during first " Paro del Suroccidente Colombiano» in November 1999. lt looks for an interpretative approach to the production of these statements as a despotic transformation of subjects from the speech. The article shows the manner in which the statements of the State functionaries share their character of promise with the law, which dares the capacity of action of the excluded sectors. From this perspective, the development promise is based on a negation. Finally, a double censure is demonstrated: towards the past, as a negation of the memory; towards the future, as a negation of the creative power of excluded sectors.

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Fuentes Secundarias

ARENAS, Paula Andrea, Uninoticias. Domingo 21 de noviembre de 1999

CASTIBLANCO María Antonia. Periodista R.C.N. Lunes 22 de noviembre de 1999.

EMISIÓN RADIAL, Popayán. Martes 23 de noviembre de 1999

EASTMAN, Jorge Mario. Viceministro del lnterior.(s.f.; s.l.).

NOTICIERO T.V. Canal 48, Popayán. Lunes 22 de noviembre de 1999.

RUIZ LLANO, Jaime. Superministro. R.C.N, Santafé de Bogotá (s.f.).

SEÑAL COLOMBIA, Debate desde el Congreso de la República. Santafé de Bogotá. Domingo 21 de noviembre de 1999.


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