DOI: 10.17151/rasv.2021.23.2.11
How to Cite
Testa, S. F. . (2021). Is it possible to speak about vocation when speaking of organized atheism? Reflections on the atheist initiative in Brazil. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 23(2), 227–251.


Sabrina F. Testa
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Perfil Google Scholar


Recently, several atheistic groups have emerged in Brazil. These are small associations that arise and are sustained by the initiative of individual
actors, who spend a considerable amount of time, effort and even money to the maintenance of a cause that is not easily defined beyond the negation 
of the idea of god, nor does it offer visible material or symbolic rewards. On the basis of a discussion on the Weberian category of vocation, this 
paper seeks to inquire about the meanings attributed to militant activity by the atheistic leaders of Brazil. This article argues that the articulation of a
movement of unbelievers, as configured in Brazil, constitutes an intrinsically ambiguous undertaking, insofar as it resists all formalization and definition
beyond the minimum necessary to exist as such. Under the constant risk of becoming “religion”, atheism is only organized in an embryonic way, and
from its articulators it demands a considerable commitment that, however, avoids defining itself in terms of leadership. The approach is interpretative
and empirically based on ethnographic fieldwork carried out between September 2016 and February 2018 among Brazilian atheistic sectors.

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