DOI: 10.17151/rasv.2021.23.2.10
How to Cite
Hilal, R. ., & Neves, Y. R. . (2021). Producing the public and the private in displacement and living: crossed dialogues between ethnographies of hitchhiking practices and permacultural formations in urban space. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 23(2), 203–226.


Renata Hilal
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Perfil Google Scholar
Yuri Rosa Neves
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Perfil Google Scholar


The effort to draw boundaries between public and private space in contemporary cities, is articulated through reflections on the State’s action to intervene and regulate the common use of space in the face of the interests and demands of for the private use by individuals, social groups, and/or 
corporations. If the collective ownership of spaces refers to the domains of action of various agents monitored by the State due to its power of  overnance
(Foucault, 2012), private appropriation of spaces tends to be associated with the figure of the individual and the sphere of his/her actions. The purpose of this text arises from the dialogue between two ethnographic researches: one about the practice of hitchhiking in the city of Florianópolis (SC, Brazil) and
the other about the practices of formation and construction of permacultural housing in Porto Alegre and Pelotas (RS, Brazil). We are interested in  hinking about how these activities can blur and destabilize imagined/constructed boundaries between what is public and private departing from the concept of infrastructures (Star, 1999; Larkin, 2013).

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