DOI: 10.17151/rasv.2017.19.2.12
How to Cite
García Ruíz, J. (2017). Anthropology of the baroque III. Institutions, doctrine and baroque ascetism in brotherhoods. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 19(2), 225–262.


Jesús García Ruíz
Director Emérito de Investigación del Centro Nacional de Investigación Científica de Francia (CNRS)
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The baroque period, in which absolutism cohabit with the century of the Light, is considered the last great European style. The theater, the ceremonial and the parties of the court are not only the expression of the vitality of the baroque, they are also presented as a very elaborate form of mass domination. It was about “disciplining the institutions” and for them they needed to recruit new actors. It was about gathering and unifying the forces involved in the battle. And it was the Council of Trent that assumed this role. At the local level, the Associations and Brotherhoods were in charge of controlling the workforce and the labor force. In Council of Trento the clerical and hierarchical conception of the society were reinforced, assigning to the clergy a watchfulness role.

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