How to Cite
Guzmán Peñuela, L. (2020). Find the way: undergoing roads and dealing with them in Northern Tolima, Colombia. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 23(1), 65–99. Retrieved from


Laura Guzmán Peñuela
Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica
Perfil Google Scholar


“Trochas”, “desechos” and “travesías” are the names given to unpaved roads that cross the Central Mountain Range in the north of the Department of Tolima, Colombia. There, trails impose
different ways of building and traversing them. Some allow the transit of vehicles, others convene walkers, while the most “difficult to deal with”, trails that penetrate the slopes of the Lagunilla canyon, preferably admit mules guides of the mule drivers. Fieldwork with peasants invites us to approach the roads as a living elements of a worldly experience based on a
deep knowledge of its materials, forces and morphology. To live in them, it is necessary to know how to “find the way”, a way of living and doing that obeys more than it imposes its will.

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