How to Cite
Ramírez Ramírez, E. del R., & Rojas Burbano, R. F. (2014). -. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 16(1), 89–101. Retrieved from


Enid del Rocío Ramírez Ramírez
Universidad de Nariño, Pasto
Rosario Fabiola Rojas Burbano
Universidad de Nariño, Pasto


This article is a conceptual synthesis resulting from the research “Collaborative Learning Strategy to Promote Reading in 9th Grade Students of the Genaro León Educational Institution in the Municipality of Guachucal, Department of Nariño”, held in the context of higher education in the Master’s of Education program in 2013  at Universidad de Nariño. This synthesis provides the collaborative work foundations, the transformation of  learning environments, the roles of the teacher and the students, as well as the development of thought,  communication and organization processes that go beyond the traditional notion of learning where students are limited to only listen and copy in class, but rather suggesting collaborative work that generates spaces for interaction and critical discussion making it possible for every member to become an active and participatory subject in the learning process.

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