Climate change is a significant challenge for agriculture in developing countries, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions like Colombia. This study focused on the vulnerability of agro-food systems in the municipality of Facatativá to climate change. To this end, 61 surveys were conducted in productive systems distributed across rural areas. The results showed that most agro-food systems fall under the category of family farming, followed by medium-sized and commercial agriculture, with main crops including potatoes, corn, vegetables, and strawberries. Farmers perceive significant changes related to climate change, such as reduced water availability and an increase in extreme weather events like droughts, frosts, and intense rains. These changes have led to reduced agricultural productivity, which in turn has resulted in substantial economic losses. To mitigate the effects of climate change, farmers are developing strategies that indirectly contribute to climate change adaptation, such as crop rotation, the use of organic matter to conserve soil moisture, and the reinforcement with fertilizers or pesticides. Additionally, they employ traditional strategies recognized for facing adverse climatic conditions, such as efficient water management through the construction of reservoirs and the use of irrigation systems, as well as protection against extreme temperature changes through the implementation of tree barriers.
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