DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2023.56.3
How to Cite
Sandoval Muelas, D. A., & Beltran Vargas, J. E. (2023). Rural environmental sustainability and ecosystem services: a review. Luna Azul, (56), 27–46.


Diomedes Arnoldo Sandoval Muelas
Universidad de Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Julio Eduardo Beltran Vargas
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas


Ecosystem services have a preponderant role to explain rural environmental sustainability, by influencing the welfare state and social relations, which condition the capacity in these areas to guarantee environmental sustainability. This investigative review work analyzes the existing advances, around the ways of evaluating ecosystem services in rural sustainability. The study used the databases of Scopus, ScienceDirect, Taylor & Francis and JSTOR, and a three-stage search framework was used: exploration, synthesis and analysis. Of the total number of case studies, the sum of the citation frequency was 200 times, of these, 57% of the citations corresponded to a provisioning service; 29% to a regulatory service; and 14% to a cultural service. Highlighting provisioning services: crop supply (32.5%); in regulatory services: soil conservation (41.38%), and in cultural services: traditional knowledge (89%).

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