DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2020.51.8
How to Cite
Salas-Zapata, W. A. ., & Cardona-Arias, J. A. . (2020). Application of a scale of knowledge, attitudes and practices on sustainability in university professors and associated factors. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (51), 151–165.


Walter Alfredo Salas-Zapata
Universidad de Antioquia
Perfil Google Scholar
Jaiberth Antonio Cardona-Arias
Universidad de Antioquia
Perfil Google Scholar


Introduction: One of the principles of education for sustainable development is the orientation of learning processes so that people acquire knowledge, values, attitudes and competences that facilitate the harmonization of human activities with the dynamics of nature. This responsibility belongs to university professors in higher education institutions. However, knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) studies of sustainability carried out with this population are scarce and none has been reported in Colombia. Objective: The objective of this study is to describe the KAP profile on sustainability in professors of two universities in the city of Medellin. Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study with 402 professors to whom a reproducible and valid scale was applied. Data analyses were carried out using descriptive statistics, non-parametric tests and multivariate adjustment by means of linear regressions. Results and conclusion: A moderate relationship was found between the levels of knowledge, attitudes and practices and a relationship between the practices of the studied area and age was also found. Nevertheless, further research on KAP studies with professors are required to understand the role that these and other variables may have in environmental behavior.

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