DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2017.44.9
How to Cite
Manco Silva, D., Guerrero Erazo, J., & Morales Pinzón, T. (2017). Water demand estimation in education centers: a case study in environmental science faculty of Technological University of Pereira, Colombia. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (44), 153–164.


Deibys Manco Silva
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
Jhoniers Guerrero Erazo
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
Tito Morales Pinzón
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira


Water management in educational centers involves identifying and quantifying water demand for different uses given in those institutions. This paper presents the characterization of water demand in the Environmental Sciences Faculty, Technological University of Pereira, identifying users and their habits, in order to generate understanding processes and management tools that allow starting programs related to water efficiency. First, the project identified the elements of the water supply system in the building and the different water uses were classified. Under observation techniques, dialogue with users and installing a half inch volumetric meters R-160, were measured water consumption of each user. From this information it was determined the consumption and demand for each use in the faculty. Finally, demand indicators were calculated and it was proposed a mathematical model for the calculation of water consumption in an educative center.

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