DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2018.46.15
How to Cite
Pérez Martínez, M. E., & Villamil Ruiz, E. J. (2018). From the urban-rural territorialities to the transformations of the landscape: a case study in La Requilina village, the town of Usme, south of the city of Bogota (Colombia), 1985 - 2016. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (46), 285–310.


Manuel Enrique Pérez Martínez
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Edna Jessenia Villamil Ruiz
Centro de Alternativas al Desarrollo CEALDES


The article analyzes how the ecological structure of the landscape is configured from the juxtaposition of rural-urban territorialities that reproduce in the periphery of a city. The study takes as case La Requilina village, located in the town of Usme, south of the city of Bogota (Colombia). The research was carried out through the processing of satellite images and the transformations in the coverage of the soil was examined in three periods of time 1985, 2000 and 2016. The results were corroborated by an in-situ exploration that investigated through interviews, social cartography and participant observation, the changes produced in the landscape as a consequence of the variability of land ownership, sources of employment, productive practices and social relations among its inhabitants. It shows that the fragmentation of the landscape, related to its natural attributes and the production systems of small-scale agriculture, are deeply threatened as a result of access, use, transformation and control of the soil and its natural resources, nowadays highly utilized by the flows of urban industrial capital. Although there are significant transformations, it is concluded that a collective action effort prevails in which the need exists for these places to be valued and protected by the city government as territories susceptible for planning and territorial organization, dependent on the environmental services they provide, their food offerings, the preservation of rural livelihoods, and their extensive connection with the urban environment that surrounds them.

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