DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2018.46.2
How to Cite
Guerra, J., & Rincón, I. (2018). Calculation of carbon footprint in the Universidad Central de Venezuela campus. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (46), 3–19.


Johan Guerra
Escuela Venezolana de Planificación
Ignacio Rincón
Universidad Central de Venezuela


The environmental agendas currently promote the application of indicators that enable the conservation of natural ecosystems within sustainable living standards. The universities are part of the actors in favor of the application of environmental sustainability indicators and have assumed an important role, not only as producers and owners of scientific and technological knowledge, but also in the recognition of their natural resources and the balanced use of environmental services for the development of their functions. In this sense, the objective of this work is to carry out an evaluation through the use of the Carbon Footprint indicator, in the University Campus of Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). Its application aims to study an environmental system to determine how the provision of a service can occur without being subsidized by an ecological deficit. The methodology makes it possible to evaluate the university campus as an open system analyzing the components that emit carbon through the consumption of water, electric power, mobility, paper, construction and generation of waste, as well as quantification of vegetation for carbon fixation and capture. When applying the methodology the total values of carbon emission and fixation on average by the number of students were obtained. As a result of the research, for 2011-2012 (most current data available) the UCV campus needed an extension of 2,012.85 hectares (ha) of forest to assimilate carbon emissions, obtaining a Carbon Footprint of 0.030 ha / Student / year.

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