DOI: 10.17151/10.17151/luaz.2015.40.4
How to Cite
Vega Castro, D. A. (2015). Evaluation of ”papa criolla” Solanum phureja “clone paisa” production in high density polyethylene containers within the framewrok of urban agriculture. Luna Azul, (40), 35–46.


Daniel Andrés Vega Castro
Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios


In order to evaluate the production of ”papa criolla” Solanum phureja, Paisa clone in the urban context, a pioneer descriptive research was carried out in which the following variables were assessed: incidence of pests, fresh weight per container, total fresh weight and weight per trade classification. Fresh weight per container. High density polyethylene and ecological techniques double bottom containers were used in production, in which the fertilizer used was based on three components: organic matter, microorganisms and minerals was emphasized. From the data obtained the mean, median, mode, standard deviation and dispersion analysis were calculated by using quartiles for the summary of the information in each of the potato classifications. The interquartile range and coefficients of variation were also analyzed in order to establish normal data distribution. The results showed that the average production of S. phureja in containers was 528.36 g/plant, that, when compared to the media production in Colombia and in the Department of Cundinamarca, become a viable alternative which directly contributes to the strengthening of food security and sovereignty. This research highlights how agroecologic production of potato, in containers under the framework of urban agriculture and designed from an agroecology point of view, is not only a reality to promote food sufficiency, sovereignty and food security through the production of healthy food by the community in an autonomous way, but also becomes a tool in the construction processes of urban space with sociocultural, environmental and landscape benefits.

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