How to Cite
Monje Carvajal, J. J. (2007). Challenges of agroecology in Colombian regions. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (24), 1 de 6. Retrieved from


Jhon Jairo Monje Carvajal
Universidad de la Amazonia



It is necessary to reframe the local and regional policies to support the initiatives of endogenous development, taking into account the cultural values, customs and traditions, and all the other own cultural elements to establish a local and regional strategy. But, what considerable processes are being carried out by the university or by regional institutions that, from this challenge, consider themselves as a contributor to the endogenous development of our zone? How many agronomical engineers, agroecologists and/or university professionals are involved in these processes? And, how many and which are the replicated, published and/or involved experiences that generate bases in this process? One of the guarantees in this development is to involve the local capital, local resources, and people from the zone, without imposing policies that favor external agents, in order to guarantee a proper growth, a supply of local work and a model of endogenous development that allows the economic growth of our own communities. But the challenge lies here, in the consolidation of sectors without particular but common interests, that focus their work to the own fortification and local development, before thinking about external sales, exports and markets of “lights and colors”, that do not leave a true surplus to a community that looks for its development.

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