e-ISSN: 1909-2474


The Luna Azul Journal is an organ of academic and refereed diffusion that publishes articles that address environmental or ecological issues, whether of scientific research or technological development, original reflections or revisions. The productions, reflections, analyzes and revisions can come from any of the scientific areas defined by the OECD, namely: Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Medical and Health Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities.

The journal is aimed at teachers and students of intermediate and higher educational levels, as well as at the executive and managerial levels of governmental bodies and environmental NGOs.

The purpose of the Revista Luna Azul is to contribute to the dissemination of research results on ecological-environmental issues, with the aim of highlighting the interdisciplinarity and multidimensionality of the subject in question.

No. 54 (2022): January - June

Quick method for assessment of chemical risk by inhalation and contact associated with the handling of hazardous waste

Método rápido para la evaluación del riesgo químico por inhalación y contacto asociado al manejo de residuos peligrosos (Respel)

Álvarez Betancur Jaime Alberto, Vera Acevedo Luz Dinora, Suárez Medina Óscar J.

Article Visits 103 | PDF Visits 73 | pp. 1-17 |

Exploratory factorial structure of the perception of water availability: Analysis from the interested parties

Estructura factorial exploratoria de la percepción de disponibilidad hídrica: análisis de las partes interesadas

Bustos Aguayo José Marcos, Juárez Nájera Margarita, García Lirios Cruz

Article Visits 76 | PDF Visits 31 | pp. 18-39 |

Urban agriculture as a defense of the territory

La agricultura urbana como defensa del territorio

Jurado Chana Julieth Milena, Soto Vallejo Irma

Article Visits 72 | PDF Visits 55 | pp. 40-60 |

Determination of the concentration of cadmium content in particulate material less than 10 microns in the municipality of Nobsa - Boyacá

Determinación de la concentración de cadmio contenido en material particulado menor a 10 micras en el municipio de Nobsa – Boyacá

Mateus Deaza Jonatan Sebastián, Molina Gómez Nidia Isabel, Álvarez Berrío Johan Alexander

Article Visits 85 | PDF Visits 44 | pp. 61-81 |

Forest cover and scenic beauty: an analysis of the remarkable trees of Cali (Colombia)

Cobertura forestal y belleza escénica: un análisis de los arboles notables de Cali (Colombia)

Solano López Derlyn Johana, Mora Delgado Jairo, Duque Guillermo

Article Visits 81 | PDF Visits 51 | pp. 82-96 |

Levels of heavy metals. Urban gardens in Bogota Colombia

Levels of heavy metals. Urban gardens in Bogota Colombia

Vega Castro Daniel Andrés, Vega Clavijo Lili Tatiana

Article Visits 66 | PDF Visits 57 | pp. 97-113 |

Systematic Review of Literature on the Relationship between Theory and Practice in Biology and Chemistry Students of Colombia

Revisión sistemática de literatura sobre la relación entre la teoría y la práctica en estudiantes de biología y química de Colombia

Betancourt Arango Juan Pablo, Suárez Millán María del Carmen, Álvarez Márquez Diana Yurany

Article Visits 130 | PDF Visits 96 | pp. 114-142 |

El páramo de Santurbán: reinvención de un territorio a partir de la reapropiación de lo común

El páramo de Santurbán: reinvención de un territorio a partir de la reapropiación de lo común

Acevedo Tarazona Álvaro, Correa Lugos Andrés, Mejía Jerez Andrea

Article Visits 88 | PDF Visits 37 | pp. 143-159 |

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