DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2017.14.16.4
How to Cite
Cuervo Calle, J. J. . (2017). Progreso and Portico, serial magazines of architecture and urbanism in Medellín: From the traditional city to the modern project. Kepes, 14(16), 59–90.


Juan José Cuervo Calle
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín


This text aims to investigate the participation of two serial magazines around the urban development of Medellín (Colombia). The first magazine is Progreso, a publication from the Public Improvement Society, which exposes the process of urban transformation of the city, its progress and the establishment of citizenship as an instructive to inhabit the city. The second magazine is Portico, a serial publication of the Faculty of Architecture of Universidad Nacional, established in Medellín as a propellant of a modern architectural culture. To achieve this purpose, a structured documental investigation was carried out in two stages: the first was the existing bibliographic review on the subject and the second was the investigation of archival material and specialized serial magazines of the period, having as main source Progreso and Portico, starting from the central question on the understanding of modernity in Medellín. The encounter of these two magazines in the second half of 1940, generates a tension to disclose an architecture and forms of production of the city between the traditional and the modern.

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