DOI: 10.17151/difil.2021.22.39.2
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Vilatta, E. (2021). Belief ascription and irrationality: the case of delusions. Discusiones Filosóficas, 22(39), 15–34.


Emilia Vilatta
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In this paper I will focus on the discussion about the possibility to ascribe the status of beliefs to delusions, considering that there is a conceptual tension between the requirement of rationality for belief ascription and the irrationality that delusions exhibit. For this purpose, I will analyse what I call as the “irrationality argument” in the two variants that I identify: the transcendental variant and the empirical variant. Against this argument, I will show that, despite the irrationality that delusional states exhibit, we can continue ascribing to such states the status of beliefs.

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