How to Cite
Ramos Gómez, O. (2016). The entheogene as hierophany. Cultura Y Droga, 21(23), 55–73. Retrieved from


Oliver Ramos Gómez
Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


Objective. To understand the sacred as a phenomenon to provide a basis for the entheogenic hypothesis. Methodology. Based on Mircea Eliade’s on-phenomenological hermeneutics, the sacred will be understood as a phenomenon and the entheogenic as a hierophany or manifestation of the sacred. This is based on understanding phenomenological concepts from thinkers such as Heidegger, Zubiri, Otto, Schleiermacher, Ricoeur. Results. For Eliade the sacred is reality and man accesses the sacred through a deep awareness of reality. While the entheogene may be an access to the sacred, it must be said that the sacred is a phenomenon irreducible to another phenomenon, therefore the sacred is irreducible to the entheogene. Conclusions. The sacred has no relation to the hallucination, so that to understand the entheogene as an access to the sacred, it is necessary to demystify that the entheogene is ‘hallucinogenic’. The entheogene is a manifestation of the sacred, because through an extraordinary experience, a deep consciousness of reality can be accessed.

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