How to Cite
Isaza M., G., Arango M., M. C., Buriticá, O. P., & Marulanda, H. (2005). -. Biosalud, 4, 67–77. Retrieved from


Gustavo Isaza M.
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
María Cristina Arango M.
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Olga Patricia Buriticá
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Henry Marulanda
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


Zebrina pendula (also known as Panamanian) is used in the coffee region in an empirical form for the treatment of the diabetes mellitus. Experiments carried out in rats and mice showed hypoglycemiants effects. The zebrina péndula subchronic toxicity was evaluated by administering daily a watery plant extract during 90 days to 12 normal mice and distilled water to 12 mice of the control group. Glycemia, hemoleukogram, hepatic (AST and ALT) and renal (urea and creatinine) function tests were carried out, as well as the autopsy and a histopathologic examination to 13 organs. There were no significant differences in the values of the paraclinical examinations between the control group and the group treated with Zebrina pendula. The hepatic congestion was found in seven individuals of each group, and four animals of the treated group and three of the control group. Two animals of the treated group and three of the control group presented renal congestion. Two animals of the treated group showed hepatic swelling, in addition to pulmonary and renal congestion. The weight of the heart, liver and lungs were significantly greater in the treated animals than in those of the control group. There were not any differences between both groups in regards to mortality, food intake and weight variations. With the results obatined in the present invetigation, it can be concluded that with the results obtained in the present investigation, it can be concluded that the watery extracts of Zebrina pendula under the experimental conditions described, have toxicity, with the hepatic tissue as the white organ with poisonous effects at high doses.

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