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Pérez C., J. E., Aricapa G., H. J., Guáqueta, C., & López, J. C. (2005). -. Biosalud, 4, 18–27. Retrieved from


Jorge Enrique Pérez C.
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Héctor Jaime Aricapa G.
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Catalina Guáqueta
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Julio César López
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


The teniosis-cysticercosis complex is a public health problem prevalent in both, rural and urban areas that are related to traditional practices of raising pigs, bad hygienic and sanitary conditions, poverty and ignorance. All this is, intrinsically related, since human activities are always associated with the life cycle of the parasite. The intermediate host of Taenia solium is the pig, but man sometimes can be affected when parasite eggs become a parathenic host. These eggs produce the larvarial phase of the parasite associated with human cisticercosis. There are reports in Colombia on this complex, La Merced (Caldas) is one of the municipalities that have important levels of this parasitosis. Previous studies have shown a seroprevalence of 1% for antibodies against the larvarial phase of the parasite. The following research pretends to determine the presence of Taenia solium eggs, the association levels with risk factors and to evaluate the control measures of the disease. One hundred ninety four coprological samples have been studied of people living in rural and urban areas. RESULTS: Despite the absence of infected persons with adult Taenia solium, the risk factors that aid the presence of this parasitosis have been detected. However, these factors have shown an important decrease. The results of the coprological analysis showed the presence of other intestinal parasites that indicate that there is a lack in the life conditions levels and in the hygienic habits. Therefore, the development of desparasitation programs and educational campaigns are recommended.

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