How to Cite
del Río G., J. A., Arango Álvarez del Pino, R., Buriticá A., O. C., & Estrada, G. I. (2007). Bacterial production of spectrum betalactamases in patients of the intensive care unit of the Hospital de Caldas, 2003. Biosalud, 6, 69–83. Retrieved from


Jaime Alberto del Río G.
Clínica Villapilar E.S.E.
Rita Arango Álvarez del Pino
Hospital de Caldas
Olga Clemencia Buriticá A.
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Gloria Inés Estrada
Universidad Católica de Manizales


The bacterial resistance to antimicrobials is increasing, which implies the generation of problems to health institutions and the community in general, such as: elevation of the expense for medications, superinfections, alteration of the micro and macroflora, and decrease in the quality of health attention. This resistance is stronger when there is a presence of microorganisms gram negative producing extended spectrum betalactamases (ESBL). The present work wished to determine the type, frequency and distribution of ESBL—producing microorganisms, by means of traditional and molecular techniques, and to determine the medical or surgical factors associated with this production, in the Intensive Care Unit of the Hospital de Caldas. The purpose of this work is to contribute the necessary information to take epidemiologic measures and to outline strategies on the appropriate use of antibiotics and the treatment of the most frequent infections. An analytic study of cases and controls was done: 11 patients (5 cases and 6 controls), with primary or nosocomial infection, with ESBL—producing microorganisms isolated, resistant or not, to the third generation cephalosporines, respectively. These samples underwent microbiological, isoenzymatic and molecular analysis. Two strains of Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa y Acinetobacter baumanii were identified with suspicion of being ESBL—producer. Nevertheless, they were not confirmed with other tests, such as VITEK, isoelectric points and polymerase chain reaction. There were no significant differences for the risk factors between the cases and the controls.

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