How to Cite
Duque Parra, J. E., & Arismendy Díaz, G. E. (2010). Neuroscience, drugs,legality and society. Biosalud, 9(1), 80–86. Retrieved from


Jorge Eduardo Duque Parra
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Guillermo Eugenio Arismendy Díaz
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


This text states the vital necessity to carry out a deep and suitable research, not only from the neuroscience perspective, but also from the diverse homeostatic values of several enteogens, which are derived from substances affecting human behaviour. From the neuroscience basis, such research will allow to understand the elements in both the therapeutic and recreational use of these substances. The most objective knowledge on the personal doses will serve the law representatives to be able to act regarding the legislative administration of the possession or the use of some enteogens. This term refers to the substances used for either recreational or therapeutic use, such as the treatment of diseases. These substances are widely employed illegally around the world infringing legal norms. Although they have not been validated by neuroscience they have been legitimized by some people based on the varied therapeutic uses that receive theoretical support from some fundamental concepts that have not yet been studied from the perspective of the homeostatic brain values of enteogens.

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