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Vélez Marín, M., & Uribe Velásquez, L. F. (2010). How does caloric stress affect reproduction?. Biosalud, 9(2), 83–95. Retrieved from


Miryam Vélez Marín
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Luis Fernando Uribe Velásquez
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


The present review analyses some of the effects of caloric stress on reproduction. Stress is revealed by the inability of an animal to cope with its environment, a phenomenon that is often reflected in a loss of genetic potential. Caloric stress can have big effects on most aspects of reproductive function in mammals. The neuroendocrine regulation of follicular development and ovulation require a complex and delicate interaction between the pituitary gonadotropins and the feedback of estradiol, the major follicular steroid. Because of this complex interaction, the regulation of the follicular stage of the estrous cycle and ovulation is especially vulnerable to the effects of stress. Stress impacts the reproductive axis at the hypothalamus (because affect the GnRH secretion) and the pituitary gland (because affect the gonadotrophin secretion), with direct effects on the gonads being these of a lesser relevance. The significance of stress-induced secretion of cortisol varies depending on the species. In some instances, the impact of short-term increases in cortisol concentrations is little and extended increase in plasma concentration may be required before any evident noxious effect on reproduction be apparent. Some environmental changes, as well as the animals physiology Here are certain changes in environment as well as animal physiology create stressful conditions. Stress may be considered as an external agent that, applied to an animal generates an effect on its physiological activity. Anyway, it is necessary to identify the mechanisms by which stress to alter reproduction.

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