DOI: 10.17151/biosa.2018.17.2.6
How to Cite
Bastidas Pacheco, G. ., Antoima, M. L. ., Bastidas Delgado, D. ., & Rosales Delgado, M. . . (2018). A current look at cyclospora spp : and cyclosporiasis. Biosalud, 17(2), 91–101.


Gilberto Bastidas Pacheco

PhD en Parasitología. Universidad de Carabobo. Carabobo, Venezuela.

Universidad de Carabobo
María Laura Antoima

Licenciado en Educación. Universidad de Carabobo. Carabobo, Venezuela. 

Universidad de Carabobo
Daniel Bastidas Delgado

Estudiante de Medicina. Universidad de Carabobo. Carabobo, Venezuela.

Universidad de Carabobo
María Rosales Delgado

Estudiante Programa de Medicina. Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda. Coro, Venezuela.

Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda


Introduction: Cyclosporiasis is an emergent disease characterized by producing clinical profiles of gastroenteritis in humans after the intake of water or contaminated food, and it is more severe in children and immunosuppressed patients. It is caused by the coccidia Cyclospora cayetanensis, whose body of knowledge is in the process of construction. Objective: To compile and show in compressed form what has been found so far on the biology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and epidemiological behavior of C. cayetanensis. Methodology: a documentary study based on a thorough review of the world scientific literature. Results and conclusion: the theoretical tools necessary for the control of parasitosis are offered to health professionals and official health institutions.

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