How to Cite
Cobo A., C. G., & Romero P., M. H. (2012). Importance of man-animal interaction during cattle pre-slaughter: Review. Biosalud, 11(2), 79–91. Retrieved from


Claudia G. Cobo A.
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Marlyn H. Romero P.
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


Colombia has adopted in the sanitary legislation the animal welfare guidelines recommended by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), in the bovine logistics chain. However, it usually happens that the man-animal interaction in the slaughterhouses is poor, because of the use of cruel methods to handle cattle is frequent. This type of interaction has negative consequences for the industry, such as the increase of livestock mortality due to distress, confiscation because of contusions, presentation of lower meat quality, increased processing costs and occupational risks for the handlers, among others. The objective of this review was to describe the characteristics of the relationship between the handlers and the animals during cattle pre-slaughter, to analyze its implications in the bovine logistic chain, to know the methodology used to assess man-animal interaction, and to present strategies that allow its improvement.

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