How to Cite
Osorio, J. H., & Correa, D. (2013). Alterations of thyroid hormones levels and their influence in health and production in small ruminants. Biosalud, 12(1), 39–48. Retrieved from


José Henry Osorio
Universidad de Caldas. Universidad de Manizales
Dairon Correa
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


The present review article updates the knowledge of thyroid hormones levels alterations and its their influence in health and production production in of small ruminants. It was analyzed the sScientific literature from the last 50 years from the data bases BBCS-LILACS, Fuente Académica, IB-PsycINFO, IB-SSCI, IB-SciELO, Scopus y and Scirus data bases was analyzed, as well as historic articles, texts and public public published works cited references. Pertinent iInformation related to the purpose of the present review update article was obtained and classified as follows: nutrition, reproduction and pregnancy, breastfeeding, fiber growth, and hypothyroidism in small ruminants. It can be concluded that the thyroid gland plays an important role producing thyroid hormones which are necessary for cellular differentiation and organic growth in small ruminants. The adequate functioning of metabolic ways depends of these hormones, which because they have specific effects over on different organs maintaining the homeostasis between all the tissues.

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