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Correa Salgado, R. A., & Castaño, E. (2014). Analysis of the canine ABCB1-1▲ mutation and its therapeutic and toxicological implications. Biosalud, 13(1), 65–75. Retrieved from


Ricardo Andrés Correa Salgado
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Eduardo Castaño
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


We conducted a review of the results of the studies of the last ten years from the data bases BBCS-LILACS, IB- PsycINFO, IB-SSCI, IB.SciELO, SCOPUS and SCIRUS, about the therapeutic implications of the gene mutation ABCB1 in dogs. This mutation is responsible for the absence of the glycoprotein P in the blood-brain barrier, depriving the brain of an efflux pump to protect against various xenobiotics. Furthermore, we described the pharmacokinetic changes and drug poisoning resulting from this mutation. We also present a list of drug substrates for the glycoprotein P and the medications that can inhibit said glycoprotein, all of them capable of inducing severe side effects in dogs with the mutation.

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