How to Cite
Medina González, P. (2014). Reliability of an applicable methodology for simple foot kinematic measuring in self-reliant senior citizens in the community. Biosalud, 13(1), 9–20. Retrieved from


Paul Medina González
Universidad Católica del Maule


Objective: To determine the test-retest inter-rater reliability of an applicable methodology for simple foot kinematic measuring (SFKM) in senior citizens in the community. Material and method: 72 self-reliant senior citizens (EFAM-Chile >42 points), 56 women (age =69±4.9 years) and 16 men (age =71±7,0 years), executed comfortable gait (CG) for three minutes on a 40 meters track. For each participant, five strides were recorded in video which subsequently were transformed into frames and analyzed through a free access program (TRACKER v4.8 for Windows). The parameters analyzed were the minimum foot clearance (MFC) and maximum foot clearance (MaxFC) per path, and in the case of distance, stride length (SL). Each analysis involved a protocol proposed by the author. Results: The MDP protocol presents an intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) of 0,77 (CCI95%IC=0,55-0,89) with a standard error of measurement (SEM) of 0,8 millimeters (mm), associated with nearly 50% of the result magnitude error (RME). The MaxDP has an ICC =0,99 (CCI95%IC=0,98-0,99) with a SEM =0,3 mm and less than 5% of the RME. Meanwhile, the LZ obtained an ICC =0,98 (CCI95%IC=0,96-0,99) with a SEM =10,5 mm and a near 10% of the RME, the differences being test-retest dependent on it. Conclusions: This protocol for CG SFKM is recommended. However, the image quality and the number of frames per second determine its execution in high speed human movement contexts.

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