DOI: 10.17151/biosa.2015.14.1.6
How to Cite
López-López, E. ., López-Carbajal, M. J. ., & Ortiz Gress, A. A. . (2015). Clinical characterization of patients with diabetes mellitus from the state register of diabetes in a state of Mexico. Biosalud, 14(1), 51–56.


Erika López-López
Servicios de Salud de Hidalgo
Mario Joaquín López-Carbajal
Servicios de Salud de Hidalgo
Alicia Armida Ortiz Gress
Servicios de Salud de Hidalgo


Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a challenge for health systems due to the complexity of care, and the quality and access to treatment. Objective: To describe the clinical characteristics of patients in the Diabetes Mellitus State Register in the state of Hidalgo in Mexico from 2007 to 2012. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study of the Diabetes State Register (DSR) between 2007 and 2012. Simple statistics description to characterize the studied population, proportions and reasons for qualitative variables and for quantitative measures of central tendency and continuous and dispersion variables (media, median, mode, deviation, standard and variance) were carried out. The t student test was used for the analysis of continuous variables. Results: 10,198 patients from the Diabetes State Register were identified; 66.4% were women and 33.52% men. The mean age was 52.2±12.8. Regarding fasting glucose, the mean was 239.1±95.3 mg/dl; the post-prandial glucose mean was 293.6±122.7 mg/dl and casual glucose was 247.9±102.3 mg/ dl. The DSR activities included 5,795 people that were detected at that time which correspond to 56.8% from which 11.9% reported having blurred vision, polyuria 48.5%, infections 4.7%, polydipsia 44.07%, polyphagia 13.19%, weight loss 26.9% and fatigue 35.2%. When comparing people under treatment with those admitted, no statistical difference was found While those who were under treatment, who mentioned only having diet were 33.5%, metformin72.58%, sulfonylureas 62.9%, acarbose 3.59%, insulin 9.4%, and rosiglitazone 0.66%. Discussion: The Diabetes State Register has low glycemic control standards. Development of internal indicators is suggested to allow medical staff to make decisions from inside the unit and provide a better quality of care, compliance and opportunity.

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