DOI: 10.17151/biosa.2016.15.1.9
How to Cite
Duque Parra, J. E. ., Barco Ríos, J., & Aldana Rueda, J. E. . (2016). Anatomy terminology in Colombia and use of eponyms in education in Medicine. Biosalud, 15(1), 82–86.


Jorge Eduardo Duque Parra
Universidad de Caldas
John Barco Ríos
Universidad de Caldas
Julio Enrique Aldana Rueda
Universidad de Manizales


The aim of this work is to justify the use of anatomy language for the human beings in Medicine, which is not based on eponyms because those do not have descriptive or educational value. The common use of eponyms which a high proportion of medical doctors use in Colombia to refer to anatomical structures may occur due to the lack of awareness about the existence of an International Anatomical Terminology, which tends towards having a more precise and clear communication among health professionals, thus facilitating learning. It is necessary to encourage the use of the correct anatomical terminology in the new generation of physicians which will result in better communication and will make easier the teaching-learning process in the fu

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