DOI: 10.17151/rasv.2020.22.2.14
Como Citar
Perdomo Marín, J. C. (2020). The ancient mythology of modern science : a mythologist looks (seriously) at popular science writing, por Gregory Schrempp. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 22(2), 296–302.


Juan Camilo Perdomo Marín

Antropólogo, Universidad de Caldas.

Universidad de Caldas
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Anthropology has a complex relationship with science modern. On the one hand, this discipline registers its investigative work within a scientific bet that monitors and builds criteria of validity, rigor and generality to objectively understand the social reality. On the other hand, anthropology not only studies scientific the multiple possibilities of existence of human beings, but in turn critically assesses disputes, legacies, and limits by means of which modern science thinks, represents and interrogate the world.

Schrempp, G. (2012). The ancient mythology of modern science. A Mythologist Looks (Seriously) at Popular Science Writing. Canada: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


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