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Panaia, M. . (2014). -. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 16(1), 19–43. Retrieved from


Marta Panaia
Universidad de Buenos Aires


Women have as much participation as men in education in the different educational areas and especially at  the university level in Argentina, but the distribution of careers for both sexes is very different. Women  choose careers related to humanities, education or health sciences to a greater extent. The careers perceived within the range of “hard”, such as engineering, are moderately chosen by women, remaining as a  predominantly male domain. Even so, the historical trend has been changing and female participation is  getting increasingly higher, especially in some specialties of engineering. However, there are few studies that delve into this issue, which has major conceptual gaps. To make a contribution in this direction, the  participation of women in two different universities in the country located in three regions differing for their  production and their history in the different branches of engineering was studied. It is considered that the  analysis and understanding of the peculiarity of women who choose careers traditionally and culturally associated with males, present a great analytical and reflective interest in understanding the new situation of professional women in the labor market, in order to be able to approach the changes that are occurring in  the social imaginary, the ways of doing and feeling and through them to see how these traditional models of  gender are broken, but also often legitimized. The data presented correspond to academic and career paths  of new generations of women graduated during the last decades of the different engineering programs  offered in two public universities in Argentina. The universities studied are the National University of Río  Cuarto, Faculty of Engineering and the National Technological University in its General Pacheco Regional and  Avellaneda Regional, this last one being the university that trains the highest number of  engineers in  Argentina.

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