How to Cite
Moreno Baptista, C., & Zapata Piedrahíta, L. . (2013). -. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 15(2), 15–55. Retrieved from


César Moreno Baptista
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Lorena Zapata Piedrahíta
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


The stated goal is to characterize, from an ethnographic perspective, practices in the regular psychoactive substances consumption (PSC) and criminal practices in youth with criminal responsibility (or violators of the Law), in the city of Manizales. The analysis was developed in three stages. Initially an introduction of the theoretical perspective of the phenomenon itself is made in the light of the theory of culture and personality in anthropology. At this stage, a description of the processes of primary socialization in the families of the young people subject of study took place, an approach to their realities which allowed reading the type of  interpersonal relationships in the family to understand the educational values of the personality in the young offender. In the second place, the young offender crime trends are shown from his relationship with the peer group in the streets. This is how the show starts in young crime practices with its network of friends outside the home. It consisted of showing how the youngster starts his crime practices with his peer groups outside  their home. And finally a summary of the descriptions made in the interest of synthesizing ideas that allow the characterization of the socialization processes in the development of social practices analyzed is  presented. The proposed analysis allows expressing certain correlations between crime and drug use, largely induced by the processes of socialization and socioeconomic conditions of the families studied.

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